Specimens for SF Bazaar at Maker Faire

Totally excited that I got into SF Bazaar at Maker Faire! Go here for details. It has meant that I am in deep production of many specimens. Here are some works in progress and I prepare them for full preservation. Taking pictures before the caps go on is nice because you get a little moreContinue reading “Specimens for SF Bazaar at Maker Faire”

A Hippo for Christmas

A new beginning. I love painting but, I also love building with sculpey or other clay. These two styles of mine have been at odds with each other for years. I feel like I had to take a long while away from finishing major illustrations to play with these mediums to find the way toContinue reading “A Hippo for Christmas”

Shared Sketchbook

I am always so grateful for my friends. They keep me positive amidst all the strange happenings that go on in our world. Recently I was so pumped to be contacted by my friend eHawk. We have both been swamped in daily projects and both are looking to focus our time towards our long termContinue reading “Shared Sketchbook”

Let’s End This Hiatus

It’s been much too long since I posted to the blog. I apologize to you readers, I hope you will find me and come back. I wasn’t completely uncreative in my time away. If you followed my instagram I kept up with regular posting. I just wasn’t able to commit to the more lengthy blog. Also,Continue reading “Let’s End This Hiatus”

Bellano Coffee shop Show

Welcome to Bellano! This is the local coffee shop that my family and I frequent. We love their coffee, all the people who work there, and the friendly atmosphere. They were kind enough to host my art work this month. If you are in the area I highly recommend you stop by and get aContinue reading “Bellano Coffee shop Show”

Working on Frankenstein

In the background of my life I am drawing and scribbling and making puddles of watercolors and testing foggy washes and drawing messy ink lines on top. As I can’t realistically work full time as an illustrator for more than minimal projects, I am playing. Discovering new elements to myself since I have changed withContinue reading “Working on Frankenstein”

APE 2013 Recap & Octo-Puss in Boots!

After my second year participating in APE I feel I am settling in to the Art Community of San Francisco. I was lucky enough to have a table right next to my friend Emma SanCartier with OddFauna. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our tables and supported us. It was wonderful reconnecting with friendsContinue reading “APE 2013 Recap & Octo-Puss in Boots!”

Taking Back Ground

I seriously misjudged how I would feel the last month of pregnancy. I only remember working almost 9 hour days the last month of my last pregnancy so, I didn’t see it coming that I would not be able to keep up with my own work this time. However, chasing a kid all day andContinue reading “Taking Back Ground”

Trick Fox

Sometimes a piece can just not come together. This skateboarding fox has been frustrating me since last week when “skateboard” and “fox” came up as twoodle words. I couldn’t get the motion and shape of the fox right. Pages of sketches went by. I tried shifting to other pieces, reading a book, taking breaks. ItContinue reading “Trick Fox”